Sunday, January 24, 2010


I cannot believe Jagger is almost a year, hes 10 and a half months right now and he has learned alot since I posted anything on here! he can crawl about a million miles an hour, but his new discovery is walking along the furniture! I catch him standing on his own alot, you can tell he is figuring out his balance! As far as speaking, his favorite word is DA DA.. go figure haha.. He is such a happy boy and still is very mellow! LUCKY ME! Me and Trav are doing well too! Trav is in school and Im still home. We still live under the funeral home, hopefully not for too much longer cause im starting to go a little crazy! haha


  1. Hello my little long lost hair school friend :) I'm glad you've joined the blogging world! Now we can keep in touch better! I miss you and I can't believe how big your baby is!!! He's so stinking cute! Let's do lunch SOON!

  2. Your little man is adorable! Glad to see you have joined the Blogging World. It's loads of fun;) our blog address is if you want to follow.

  3. Hey Angie and Travis. I am excited that Jagger is starting to walk! That is so great! We just love him! Come hang out with me, Angie, then we can just stay home together! ha ha. I hope (if you do move) that you move to I.F. then we can play everyday! Love you!

  4. Your little boy is so cute! I hope you keep on blogging. I love reading other peoples blogs to keep in touch with close family and friends! I hope you are doing well
    Love ya
